Scott Andrews

Manual Osteopathic Therapist

Scott has worked in the fitness & wellness industry for over 20 years, as a certified nutritional practitioner, personal trainer and manual osteopathic therapist. In striving to help his clients reach their full potential and deal with chronic aches and pains, he went back to school to become a manual osteopathic therapist, which allowed him to offer a complete holistic healing plan.

He continually pursues new courses, new resources and knowledge in holistic wellness, rehabilitation and lifestyle optimization in order to help all of his clients. Scott believes by providing correct manual treatment, self-care and lifestyle modifications he can help his clients bring their bodies into proper alignment which relieves pain and stress. Scott uses osteoarticulations and myofascial remodeling modalities to help clients with issues such as back pain, mobility restrictions and muscle imbalances.


· Licensed Manual Osteopathic Therapist (D.O.M.P.) 

· Integrative Manual Therapist

· Certified Personal Trainer

· Certified Nutritional Practitioner

· Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

· C.H.E.K. Institute – Exercise Coach

· Rehab U – Movement Specialist

· Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Practitioner