Contact Us

Phone: (403) 452-5450

Fax: (403) 536-4060




Our Address: 403 - 11012 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2J 6A5

We are located at the Southcentre Executive Tower. We are just off of Macleod Trail, next to Southcentre Mall and across the street from the Anderson LRT / C-train station.
The Executive Tower is adjacent to Willow Park Shopping Center and next to the Shell Gas Station on Bonaventure Drive.


Clinic Hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30AM - 8:00PM *

Friday: 7:30AM - 6:00PM *

Saturday: 9:00AM - 3:15PM

*If you are booking an appointment after 6pm, please note, our main doors lock at this time, so you will need to use the intercom to the left of our door and we will buzz you in. You can find us in the intercom directory (press up arrow to quickly find “Pro Motion”) or simply dial 1100 to get straight through.


Have a question for us? Fill out the form below.