What is Chiropractic Care?
Our inaugural Pro Motion Calgary Blog post written by Dr. Riley Zubrickas, DC.
The answer to this question is not as cut and dry as many would hope and tends to vary depending on who you ask. To me, chiropractic is a form of alternative healthcare that utilizes hands-on techniques to treat musculoskeletal conditions, while helping to aid patients in reaching their health-related goals.
People can seek chiropractic care for many different reasons, whether it be acute/chronic pain, specific injuries, joint issues or headaches, to name a few main ones. Regardless of the issue at hand, my job is to help provide you with the tools you need to reach your goals or refer you to someone who can.
Although chiropractors are mainly recognized for the manual adjustments they perform, chiropractic care encompasses much more. For me personally, there are many different treatment methods I like to incorporate into patient care with soft tissue therapy and rehabilitative exercise being at the forefront.
No matter what you may present with, my priority remains the same: to work alongside you to create an individualized treatment plan that will give you the results that you’re after and educate you on how to maintain your optimal health!